Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Doctor tells Kim she's having excess sex

Los Angeles, March 19 (IANS) Kim Kardashian's doctor has told the reality TV star that she's having too much sex and if she hopes to have a second child, she needs to cut down on lovemaking with her husband rapper Kanye West.

 "The doctor said he thinks I'm having sex too much. He said one time is more powerful... so we've tried everything," Kim told

 The 34-year-old beauty is baffled as to why she hasn't conceived yet, and has decided to stop following the rules in a fresh attempt to get pregnant.

 "I've done everything so perfect to try and get pregnant. There's a list of things you shouldn't be doing and I was perfect for eight to ten months and now I don't understand.

 "I'm going to do everything that I want to do and that includes going platinum. Hopefully I will get pregnant doing all the wrong things. I'm totally changing my tactics. I'm over it. I'm over trying, overthinking it, hence why I dyed my hair blonde," she added.

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